Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Back Again!

The silence on the blog is due (as most of you know) to the fact that I finished my first semester of graduate school, escaped with my life, and made a beeline for Northern New Mexico, which is Home more than any place I have lived.  Most winters here, I spent longing for snow.  Whenever we visited snow, I ran around like a mad thing, because as you saw from the snow rabbit picture, as much as I hate to be cold, I have an overpowering desire to play with the stuff.  But the holiday season here has a charm that I have come to appreciate.  Winter in New Mexico smells like pinon smoke from the chimneys of practically every house with a wood burning fireplace.  People make tamales and drink Mexican hot chocolate, and along with the Christmas lights, they put out luminarias.  It can be a really pretty place.

During my trip here, I have eaten a great deal of green chile, seen almost everyone I hoped to see, gotten awesome goodies, built a few spaceships, and aided a dragon slaying.

It's been fun, and I'm dragging my feet on going back.  It isn't that I don't like my schooling, but as I've stated before, I've never much liked being on my own.  I'm a little frightened of January and February in Laramie, not gonna lie.  But since I'm a dragonslaying badass now, I guess I should bear it with fortitude.

So it's a new year, and a lot of people would make resolutions and post them or something, but instead, I'd like to share a picture of my sister, who rocks, and who is far better at making and keeping resolutions than I am.  She is pretty much actually this adorable in person too.  Though butterflies don't just appear around her or anything.

So my ulterior motives are showing the utterly cute Japanese photo booth-style pictures I can take with my new iPod.  Yeahhh.

Instead of resolutions, I think I'll just make an ongoing list of adventures to have.  There are animals I have not eaten, wildlife that has not shown up randomly near me, and... well, you get the idea.  Basically I'll just wait for stuff to happen and pretend I planned it all.


  1. Oh, and we loved the slaying with you. Come to think of it, we've slain a lot of things together. Take it, things.

    You'll be fine with winter. You are strong and full of dicey goodness.

    Pinon smoke is here waiting for you when you need it.


  2. And, you also helped your father decorate his LGP pod. And all manner of things.

  3. I like your approach to New Years resolutions... Sounds like a plan. Also, I am very jealous of the new pictures you can take with your iPod! Awesomeness!
