Monday, November 29, 2010

Not Dead Yet...

I am alive.  Sort of.

Nobody told me I had wandered into the Twilight Zone, but apparently at some point last week, I did.  I had a paper draft due on Tuesday by 4.  Around 3, I printed it, wrote her a note to go with it, turned it in, and left.  Only she tells me today that she left at 4:15 and did not have my paper.  I don't think I suffered a psychotic break.  But I turned in a paper and she didn't get it.  So... Twilight Zone.  Either way, ARGH.  I could just cry.  Or spit.  Or both at the same time, which would be really weird.

In other news, it has come to my attention that someone else created a Little Nerd On The Prairie blog.  This is irritating for a number of reasons.  The first is that I googled to make sure I wasn't stepping on anyone's toes when I named this.  The second is that the other Little Nerd made her blog to create a single post in October about how she had a great idea to fake a Java Chiller.  The third reason this is irritating is that despite her being the latecomer, despite her having a single post, despite the fact that there are no comments or other indications that anyone else found her cold drink recipe inspiring... she comes up first on Google.  That's right, she has more "quality" back-linking than me.

I don't have any malice for the other little nerd.  Okay, maybe a bit.  Seriously, google your blog name.  But not real malice.  I just think that if someone searches this blog title, it should be MY blog at the top of the page.

For a moment of cheer and Zen, though, here is my little Christmas tree.  Some of those ornaments are still on it even, despite the cats knowing of its existence.


  1. You have a cute little sad tree!! I think you need a grouping of them. Like a miniature forest. That's what I always wanted to do with those trees.

  2. That is so annoying that someone has your blog title AND that it comes up before yours in Google! Sad days. The tree is really cute though... :)

  3. Time to bust out the SEO tools - I would suggest moving to for that ;)
